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Please join us as a sponsor so that as a team we can work together to reinvent charity by making it more personal, interesting, effective and fulfilling through these sponsorship programs and initiatives.

Below is a list of some of our sponsorship programs. Please contact us for further details. Also let us know if you have a specific idea on how to help, we will be happy to partner with you to achieve your charity goals in Africa.

Nursery sponsorship.

This means sponsoring a child from birth to 6 years old. It will cost $35 dollars a month and $420 annually.

Elementary sponsorship.

 Elementary sponsorship means sponsoring a child from 6 years old to 12 years old. It will cost $35 dollars a month and $420 annually.        

Secondary sponsorship.

This entails sponsoring a child from 12 years old to 18 years old years old. It will cost 49 dollars a month and $588 annually.

College sponsorship.

This is sponsoring a child through college from 18 years old to 22 years old. It will cost 99 dollars a month and $1188 annually.

Full package sponsorship. 

This is sponsoring a child from birth through college. 

Sponsors can choose to sponsor a child through one or more of the categories above or decide to adopt and sponsor from birth through college. The cost of sponsoring a child through each phase includes feeding childcare, health care and education, sponsors will have access to matriculation and graduation pictures of their adopted child (sponsored) . Recipients of sponsorships must show prove of enrollment in schools and school grades for failure to do so will lead to termination of the sponsorship. 

Tilova for Africa will confirm all information and documents. Recipients of sponsorships depending on the age brackets would be left under the custody of their parents, schools, orphanages or Tilova for Africa direct care in one of our facilities. In all situations the children will be under the direct supervision of Tilova for Africa for thew duration of the sponsorship programs.


Under our feeding programs are the following sponsorship options.

Feed a child for 1 month.

This will cost $ 25 

Feed a child for 1 year 

This will cost $250

Feed a family of 5 for 1 month.

This will cost $100

Feed a family for 1 year.

This will cost $1000

When you decide to feed a child or family, their framed wall pictures will be sent to you with a handwritten message from the recipients or their family member. 


Here we have made available some specific projects and we stated an estimate of what it will cost to sponsor such projects in any community of your choice in Africa.

Build a 50 students capacity classroom in an elementary or high school to be named after you.

This will cost $50,000

Build and equip a library to be named after you in an elementary or high school. 

This will cost $50,000

Build and equip a 20-bed capacity hospital ward to be named after you.

This will cost $75,000

Build and orphanage with the resources to run it independently for a minimum of 10 years to be named after you:

This will cost $100,000.

Sponsor a one-month health mission that will include immunizations, education, diagnostic tests and treatment of acute conditions as well an initiation of treatment of chronic conditions.

This will cost $10,000 

Sponsor a one-month LGTB awareness mission.

This will cost $ 5,000

Sponsor a one-month HIV/AIDS awareness mission.

This will cost $10,000

Sponsor a one-month OSU caste system awareness mission.

This will cost $5,000.

The missions include door to door visits, community involvements, radio and tv commercials, billboards, symposiums etc.

Pls contact us for more information regarding these initiatives as well as others not mentioned here. We also implore you to be free and discuss with us any initiative that you personally dream to accomplish as charity in Africa to leave a mark on the African continent as legacy and we will help you make those dreams come true.